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Projekt 2 - rok szkolny 2010/2011

W kwietniu 2011 roku p. Anna Brzezińska wraz z p. Sylvie Marette, nauczycielką z francuskiej szkoły Lycée Saint Joseph, przygotowały razem projekt zatytułowany "Hobbies ana European Teenagers". Był to krótki projekt,  zaplanowany do realizacji przez około 8 - 10 tygodni. W projekcie wzięło udział sześciu uczniów z klasy III TA: Adam Makowski, Bartosz Reliszko, Damian Iwiński, Damian Zięcina, Piotr Sobczak oraz Wojciech Samołajtis.

Przykładowe prace uczniów:

• zobacz prezentację PowerPoint
• zobacz przykładowe listy Our letters - każdy uczestnik miał za zadanie napisać dwa listy:
o sobie oraz o swoich zainteresowaniach
• zobacz naszą ankietę "A survey about European hobbies "

Zobacz certyfikat potwierdzający udział wraz z wypisanymi wszystkimi uczestnikami projektu.

Poniżej znajduje się opis projektu.

Hobbies and European Teenagers

The project is intended to develop communication abilities in a foreign language in relation to hobbies. We would like to learn what main hobbies European teenagers can have?  The communication language- English. The age range of the pupils- 16-19.


The main aim is to let our students to get to know each other, to discover their partners' hobbies and at the same time practice their English communication skills. We want:
1) To develop vocabulary about hobbies, free time activities
2) To support creativity on writing about hobbies, their favourite games, music
3) To encourage students to share their products with students from different countries
4) To make a survey and compare their hobbies
5) To learn how to prepare a poster/a PowerPoint presentation about hobbies
6) To produce original ideas about hobbies and maybe to create a related vocabulary list

Work process:

Teenagers work in teams and each week they have a task to do:
1) They introduce themselves-personal information, family, school.
2) They exchange information about hobbies and free time activities.
3) They create a survey and conduct it; they compare the rankings and look for similarities and differences.
Students may produce posters, wordlists, PowerPoint presentations etc. They will share their products via the net. They will write e-mails. They will chat on the net - share their experiences and talk about them. Each school in the project will present their works on the e-twinning website.

Expected results:
We would like our students to know each other, to make a survey and to compare their hobbies, to use the ICT, to develop English language skills. Teenagers will communicate with teenagers from other countries. They will familiarize with different cultures, see their hobbies and free time activities. We want them to create a ranking of ten most popular hobbies and compare the results. Teenagers' creations will be presented in the TwinSpace.

Founder 1 Anna Brzezińska Zespół Szkół Nr 10 im. Bolesława Chrobrego w Koszalinie, Polska
Founder 2 Sylvie Marette Lycée Saint-Joseph, SAINT MARTIN BOULOGNE, Francja

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