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Projekt 1 - rok szkolny 2010/2011

W marcu 2011 roku szkoła zaangażowała się w bardzo aktualny projekt "A Letter For Natural Disaster In Japan", związany ze wsparciem dla młodych mieszkańców Japonii dotkniętych niedawnym kataklizmem. W projekcie wzięły udział 189 partnerów z różnych państw. Klasa 3TA wraz z p. Anną Brzezińską, p. Agnieszką Satro oraz p. Joanną Cyparską przygotowywały materiały konieczne do realizacji projektu. Projekt był realizowany w szkole  do końca czerwca 2011 roku.

Przykładowe prace uczniów:

• zobacz "Japanese Associations"
• zobacz "Wordlists for Natural Disasters" oraz prezentację "PowerPoint"
• zobacz przykładowe listy napisane przez uczniów "Our e-mails"
• zobacz zdjęcia z lekcji bibliotecznej

Zobacz certyfikat potwierdzający udział wraz z wypisanymi wszystkimi uczestnikami projektu.

Poniżej znajduje się opis projektu.

A Letter For Natural Disaster in Japan

It is an earthquake or tsunami or nuclear reactions, but a natural disaster can also be not to aware and be ready for all disasters. Words are the most effectual tools in these manners which may need and share with others, to struggle and resist against all difficulties and problems. Even it may change according to the situations of the problems, the underlined essential case is to know, to share and to feel that nobody is lonely. Hence to prepare a context of a letter for the people in these disasters, would underline everybody that nobody is lonely, in every manner. The writers, as schools pupils etc., of these letters would share the text in english and native languages.

By awaring natural disaster, participants underline the values of environment and nature. Disasters in Japan as earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactions are the main model themselves in this context. Hence, what japanese people have experienced nowadays is itself the subtitles of letters, by entitleing what they live in their feelings. By this framework, the participants care about japanese people experiences and feelings, which are the possible events in their daily life. By this durations, participants get and underline the conciousness and values of needs in the possible disasters. And they share all by using ICT technologies, in different forms. The realisation of final stage is to share all by the education institutions in Japan in their hard stages.

Work process:
While using english language and ICT abilities, pariticipants also would use their native language and values in order to share what they feel and how they resist against difficult times. Textual constuctions are aimed by the school names, teachers and pupils as well. The stages would be a support moment which is realised by the conditions of each participant level.

Expected results:
To realise the importance of the values and conciousness of supporting eachother, in the minds of the pupils and people in difficult times. For this, to underline the environmental and natural disasters by constructing the textual content of the resistance and conciousness of feeling against difficult times,for everybody, which would be simplified as a short message that nobody is lonely. Hence having the ability for to aware to save and to share them.

Aydın Sarıkaya  Ankara Yesiloz Anatolian High School, Ankara, Turcja
2) Xiomara Gezuraga Barrutialde BHI, Arratzu, Hiszpania

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